Yesterday Black History Month ended. Black History celebrates the struggles and triumphs made by African-Americans in the United States. It’s celebrated once a year and then in large part mostly forgotten about. The truth of the matter is we all have history we would like to forget. Some of that history may be things we …


In 1997 a rapper by the name of Master P released his record label’s theme song. The song was entitled “No Limit Soldier” and summarized the entire record labels mentality. They were determined to break limits and to be in complete control of the record industry. In our relationships we should have the same mentality …


In this day and age of over politicized news. We often here about stories being publicized as fake news. It is not like you can just watch the news and take it as face value anymore, you literally have to research the news before you can absorb it. By the time you find out if …


There are two definitions for the Rules of Engagement. One was provided by the dictionary and the second was provided by us. Rules of engagement (ROE) a directive issued by a military authority specifying the circumstances and limitations under which forces will engage in combat with the enemy. Rules of engagement a directive issued by …


We live in a society where social media is one of the most dominant forces in the world. Perhaps, some would argue that it is the most dominant force in the world. At the last count there were almost 3 billion users on Facebook alone, making it almost larger than the population of China, India …


One of the more common reasons for divorce is irreconcilable differences. When you hear it, it gives the assumption of something impossible to overcome. It paints the picture of something terrible and tragic occurring that caused the divorce. Perhaps something did happen tragic and we are negating that. Trust may have been broken and caused …


We were talking the other day about how much the world has changed since we grew up. We both were born in the 70s during the time of blaxploitation when our on-screen idols were no-nonsense characters like Shaft and Foxy Brown. Furthermore, Our community heroes were outspoken advocates for justice like Martin Luther King, Jr. …


Last week we celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. We have been together 23 years in total and it has been full of experiences. There have been some ups and downs, mistakes and great decisions made during this time period. Honestly, nothing compares to being married, even the not so good times are worth spending it …


Growing up Sundays were always a day where we could come together as a family. The week was filled with our parents working and us having to go to school. Saturdays were usually busy with us running various errands whether it was to the grocery store or to department stores. If were not doing that …

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