We often hear relationships are give and take. However, if we are going to be honest we are more apt to take instead of give. It is nothing wrong with this because we all are looking to see what is in it for us. It is not so much as a selfish desire as it is a natural human desire. Relationships are really defined by the taking instead of the giving.

If the woman never takes the man advances, there is no relationship.

If the man never takes the woman on a date, there is no relationship.

If the woman never takes the engagement ring, there is no relationship.

If the man never takes the responsibility as the head, there is no relationship.

Basically, the relationship can begin and end if there is no taking. But every relationship has its limits on to how much can be taken with no reciprocation.

During, this season everyone is making a list and checking it twice on the things the want to receive or take but very few are making a list of what they want to give. Husband and wives should make lists on what they want to give, not just during Christmas but year round.

Giving is an essential part of who we are as Christians. We are made in the image of God. This means we are made to be givers. The Bible tells us in John 3:16, for God so loved that He gave His only begotten son. If we are made in the image of God we should be focused on giving, instead of taking. We should focus on our divine nature instead of our human nature.

When we focus on our divine nature then not only are we looking to give instead of take. We are putting the needs of others above our own. When this happens we operate in love. When love is in operation it opens up all the possibilities God intends for us to partake in. However, we cannot do it without faith. Galatians 5:6 tells us faith works by love. We are taught to build our relationships on love but rarely discuss allowing faith to be one of the key building blocks.

The truth is many do not want to be givers or are not givers due to the fact that they have a lack of faith. We are restrained and withhold our best in relationships because we are afraid of being taken advantage of. We do not want to seem like we are the only one giving and not getting anything in return. When believers think like this, it is because their mind is not renewed to Gods word.

This is not the mindset we should have in Kingdom Relationships, we should always be looking to give. Whether we are giving our time, we are giving our money or if we are giving our hearts to our spouses. If are apprehensive about giving it is because we are operating out of fear instead of faith. The scripture again tells us in 1 John 4:18 that perfect love cast out fear. Love is the key to allow faith to operate in our lives. Tis is the season for us to seek out perfect love and only perfect love can come from God.

Published by City of Faith

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